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Should You Keep Abreast Of World Events?

Do you read the Mexican news? Why not? Things that happen in Mexico definitely affect you. Or how about a good Canadian newspaper? Or perhaps a... Read more

You Are King! (with audio)

Are you afraid of snakes? Spiders? Sharks? Tornadoes, germs, lightning, thieves, bats? WHY?? Don't you know that you are in CHARGE of them all?... Read more

WHO ARE THE 144,000?

Revelation 14:1-5 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name... Read more

Is It OK To Steal From A Thief?

Let's say, while you're out of the house, your neighbor breaks into your house, and steals your TV. He installs it in his house, and you can see your... Read more

Except You See Signs...

At what point did Jesus begin working miracles? The natural thought is at Cana, right? Since everyone knows that it was at Cana that He worked His... Read more

What Is The Baptism Of John?

What is it? And how Is the Baptism of John different from the baptism of Christ? Did you ever wonder? Why it is that John's baptism came first?... Read more

What Was The Mark Of Cain?

Genesis 4:15 ... And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.What was this mark? I've heard lots of fanciful answers -... Read more

Is English A Pure Language?

Many people in the world - at least, in the English speaking world - believe that English is a pure language. That we'll be speaking English after... Read more

The Cats in the Bible

Cats as a group, unlike dogs, do not appear in the Bible. Only two specific cats are mentioned – the lion and the leopard. Leopards were... Read more

"How do I know God wants ME to do this?" (with audio)

Many times have I heard that question. After all, God hasn't spoken to anyone I know of personally, like He did with Jeremiah and Isaiah. All we... Read more

How To Clean Your Filthy Conscience (with audio)

If you're the average Christian, your conscience is filthy. You have compromised with what you knew to be true on so many occasions that it has... Read more

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We are different because we go to the Bible to find our beliefs, not to confirm those we already have. If the Bible doesn't say it, we don't believe it. If the Bible does say something, then no matter who else does or does not...

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